Monday 15 June 2009

Another sad rant...

I'm only doing this because I don't have anyone who I can talk to about all of this... so doing this helps me feel a tiny bit better...

The guy I'm seeing... well... I love him...I really and trully do... but all I am for him is a very special person... he says that he has special feelings for me... but that's not love...
I was kind of hoping though that something could happen between us in the future... and so I asked him if he thinks that anything can...

He simply said that he does feel a connection between us... but he thinks it would be dificult... he's not saying never but he can't reassure me right now...

and so... i feel lost... and unwanted... I trully love him and any obstacle that could come between us I would work on...

but he's not ready for a relationship right now... and that's fine, i was asking about the future but he still didn't say "yes maybe something could be possible in the future" but he also didn't say "no nothing will never come out of this, we're just special friends"...

So now I'm confused... and alone with no one to talk to about this...

okay I'll just stop here... no one will read this anyway...

Tuesday 26 May 2009


Well... this will be quite short... but I need to do a small rant...
Two days ago, it was the first time I had a guy over... he spent the week end here and I enjoyed it so so much... It was just... perfect... unfortunatly the time had to come when he had to leave... and I didn't realise just how much I'll miss him... he lives 3 hours from me and is usually busy, so it will be a while until I see him again... and we talk on a daily basis... but I just miss him...... Yeah I don't think anyone will read this but still I just feel better if I write about it... I've come to care alot about him... and from what I gather, he cares about me too... It just sucks that we live so far from each other...

I miss him... :(

End of Rant...

Sunday 15 February 2009

Week end boredom

Week end boredom strikes again. Doing homework and playing games does sometimes get a bit boring especially on a Sunday... plus the thought of "Monday" is also not exacly appealing.... Yep pointless post but I suppose updating from time to time is not exacly a bad thing :P

Monday 9 February 2009

My first post...

Hmm... well let me start by saying... Hey, what's up? I'm "Kuma", lol but if you're reading this boring piece of writing, you may call me Phil. Uh... yeah this is my first post... I just made this for fun and to enjoy reading other blogs here on blogger. I might post some stuff myself of course but I don't think I'll do it on a regular basis... unless I get in a weird mood or something

Anyway take care!